Teaching the Next Generation
I appreciate that some of the skills that I learned during my apprenticeship are now no longer relevant to mainstream engineering:..
Mixing CAD and the Real World
It is truly astounding how the process of getting from an idea to a finished component has changed in my lifetime. I started out doing...
Face to Face Networking
Believe me there aren’t many engineers who relish the idea of going into a room of strangers and actually talking to someone new. I got dragged into networking 14 years ago...
A Design Engineer
Look around you, everything you see and use has been engineered in one way or another, either by nature or by you. We all like to find ways to...
Accelerating Growth
We have all heard of a number of ways and methods to follow to increase business growth. The big question is “Where do I start?” We...
Blog: Social Media & Us
I’ve never been very active on social media and I am far from an expert on it but I can see the value and potential it has. Don’t need to say that using social media as a...
Blog: Visualising Designs
Communicating ideas could be a challenge sometimes, you can have a clear image in your head but don’t have the tools to communicate it or maybe it is just...
Blog: Ideas & Problem Solving
I relish the challenge of an interesting problem and get a great sense of satisfaction from finding a practical and simple solution. However, problem solving is a...
“The Project Approach”
The current wisdom seems to be: “find a niche market and exploit it”. However, the downside of this approach is that if some new technology comes along to replace your niche, what then?...