Do you trolley dash?
When you need everything to hand and accessible whilst in the operating theatre but standard operating equipment trolleys don’t work for you then it’s time to look for solutions.
With the Kings College teams getting increasingly frustrated with the existing trolleys in use within their operating theatres they reached out to Bennett Engineering.
Designed specifically for Perfusionists
Minimised footprint in theatre
Everything stored properly and securely
All instruments compact and organised
Places designed to store equipment, like gas bottles, safely
Extremely high-quality trolley

Best to have one that is safe and secure then!
Technical Details:
The factors considered were the ability to easily clean and sterilise all sections of the trolley. This was essential from a Perfusionists perspective.
The ergonomics of the trolley during operations, like the correct eye level screens, ability to reach and retrieve equipment easily plus everything having its own storage space.
Every element is interchangeable; as a modular design you can swap and change how you configure the trolley for your operating theatre. In short, it’s fully customisable.
What the client received:
A fit for purpose medical trolley with the design adapted for the workspace and specific medic using it, that is easy to clean and disinfect.
The need to have a compartment for safe gas bottle storage was a firm request by Kings College which was easy to accommodate within the trolley. The gas bottles can be easily secured and changed when needed without the use of tools or complicated fastenings. This makes the trolley easier to move around without worrying about the safety risk of equipment falling out.